Claire's Yoga Journey - Part Two Babies and Bhakti

Published on 15 November 2024 at 12:29

After finding out that I was pregnant, I decided to train in Pregnancy Yoga. A fellow teacher recommended Uma Dinsmore-Tuli. I googled her name and found her training list. I immediately signed up for the course she was running in Hebden Bridge.


I found this course, and particularly Uma, to be incredibly inspiring. I was in awe of her. Each morning we would chant the Shanti Mantras and my son seemed to love the vibrations in utero, he would move around a lot when he heard chanting. I was taught many beautiful ways to bond with him, and using sound was my favourite. During this time I was taught the MahaLakshmi Ashtakam (which I chanted throughout my pregnancies). This opened me up to my deep love of Lakshmi. I credit this course and Uma for leading me down the Bhakti path. I am forever grateful to her for that.


One day, I lay on my bed resting and my husband came home and told me I had to listen to a podcast by a guy named Ram Dass. I did it, straight away, and I was blown away! Who was he?! I needed to know more. Ram Dass had a fascinating life and was a gifted storyteller and teacher. He has shown me how my life, my suffering, and my triggers, could be used as tools for awakening and transformation. And he always offered his teachings generously with a big dose of humour and that really endeared him to me.


Through Ram Dass I found Neem Karoli Baba, also known as Maharajji. He was an Indian saint who was believed to be an incarnation of Hanuman. Through my devotion to him, I am in the lifelong process of remembering to act from an open heart and to live in compassion and love.


Maharaj-ji didn't really offer methods, simply encouraging his devotees to love everyone, serve everyone, and remember God. He also told everyone to tell the truth, no matter how scary! One of my favourite ever quotes of his is:


"Truth is the most difficult tapasya. Men will hate you for telling the truth. They will call you names. They may even kill you, but you must tell the truth. If you live in truth, God will always stand with you."


I have been living with this simple yet profound philosophy for 10 years. Each day I try and fail, try and fail, and try again.

Alongside my bhakti sadhana, I had also started a daily yoga nidra practice. Many of you will know I am a BIG fan of yoga nidra.

After my son was born, I began collaborating with my good friend (also called), Claire, and the Shanti Session was born. Together we held the space for deep rest and heart connection. I love collaborating with her.
Around 2014, I started learning to play the harmonium. I had always wanted to play an instrument and I remember walking into my course and seeing all of the harmoniums waiting to be played. I couldn't wait to get started! It has become a great companion to me in this lifetime.

In 2017 my second child was born. A beautiful little girl with pure Lakshmi energy. The run-up to her birth had been stressful with lots of uncertainty and change in the air. Her birth brought us great boons.
I continued with my bhakti practices, and daily yoga nidra, and also started leading the odd kirtan at my home. I couldn't commit to much teaching as I wanted to be with my children, plus I was too tired to hold space for anyone else. Oh, and what great teachers all of my children are! I have learned and am still learning so much about myself through being a mum. They continue to teach me about love, truth, understanding, patience, and service.

In 2019, I found out I was pregnant with my third child. I was very ill with this pregnancy, so I stopped teaching for a while. My third child was born, another lovely daughter, just before the UK went into lockdown in March 2020. This leads me to part 3 of my yoga story...

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